
Article I Name, Purpose, and Goals
Section 1. Name:
The Association shall be called South Jersey Kayak Bass Fishing Club (SJKBFC) and shall operate as a non-profit organization.
Section 2. Purpose:
To support and promote the sport of Bass fishing from paddle /pedal craft in Southern New Jersey and surrounding areas.
Sections 3. Goals:
As a recreational organization, the Club's goals shall be to-
To organize kayak anglers in the South Jersey area and beyond.
To support and promote the safe and responsible pursuit of the sport of kayak Bass fishing.
To promote the idea of Catch and Release principles.
To promote fellowship and provide a fun meeting place for kayak Bass fishermen.
To provide a forum for exchange of ideas and fishing information.
To sponsor events, group outings and kayak fishing tournaments.
To provide public presence to protect interests of kayak fisherman.
Article II Membership
Section 1. Eligibility Requirements:
The club membership limit is set at 30 members. The only time the 30 member number could be increased is if multiple anglers become eligible for full time status at the same time. Once those new members are voted in, the club would not allow any new members until the roster size drops below the original 30 member limit.
Any person the age of 18 years or over may become a member of the SJKBFC by application in person at a regularly scheduled club meeting or event. The applicant must complete an application and fish three (3) tournaments as a guest. If applicant declares they want to pursue membership, then the applicant is voted on by a yes or no response by the membership for acceptance to or rejection from the SJKBFC. If member is accepted, all inches and standings for those three tournaments fished as a guest, will count for the season and the membership fee will be reduced by $15.00 because of the additional $5.00 per tournament fee for guest. All members in good standing are eligible to vote and to hold office.
Members are required to enter at least five (5) tournaments and attend at least four (4) regular club non-tournament events, which may include, meetings, clean up, and other events sanctioned by the club, in order to maintain membership in good standing with the SJKBFC and compete for all club awards. With the exception of the Lunker Award, because “a lunker is a lunker “.
To qualify for the end of the year CLASSIC a member must fish more than half of the scheduled tournaments for that year and attend at least 4 meetings.
Meeting attendance count, for the next year, will commence at the first meeting after the annual Plastic Classic.
For members that become ineligible at the end of the season, to remain in the club, need to be voted on by the membership, at the seasons February meeting.
Section 2. Membership Fees:
The Club officers shall determine the amount of annual dues for membership.
Continuing membership yearly dues are due by the February regular club meeting of each year.
Anyone who has not paid his/her dues by the above deadline will be dropped from the active roll and placed in delinquent status until all dues are paid. They may not participate in any club activities, vote, or accumulate any points until paid in full.
Any continuing member who remains delinquent in dues beyond the April regular club meeting will have to reapply for membership as a new member and pay all applicable fees.
Membership dues and signup fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
Section 3. Membership Rights:
Membership gives an individual the right to fish in all club tournaments and other club events, hold club office, vote in club elections and other club business.
Section 4. Guests/Non Members:
Guests can fish in any “OPEN Events”. In the event that a guest becomes a member, all points accumulated fishing in tournaments as a guest, in a single year, will be applied to their Angler of the Year and Lunker Awards standings, as well as eligibility for the CLASSIC and any other applicable club awards.
Guests will earn winning tournament proceeds the same as members.
Section 5. Associate Members:
A maximum of five associate members to be voted in by active membership at the beginning of each season. Candidates are individuals who have been members for 3 years or more and assumed an inactive status. Associate members will pay $35 yearly dues, pay $20 to participate in all tournaments and qualify for all prizes at that tournament. They will not be eligible for any other active member privileges.
Section 6. Celebrity Guests:
Celebrity guests can fish any tournament upon approval vote from members prior to that event.
Article III Officers, Elections, Meetings
Section 1. Officers:
The elected officers are charged with making the decisions required for operation of the Club, subject to review and consensual approval of the membership. The Officers of the Club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Directors (2) and Media Director.
Section 2. Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Media Director and Tournament Directors (2). The Executive Committee shall be the policy making body of the Club, with the recommended policies being subject to the approval of the membership. Association Officers will constitute the Executive Committee, each having one vote.
The Executive Committee will decide all protests and rule on all violations of the Tournament rules, Code of Ethics, and Bylaws of the club.
Officers shall receive no financial compensation, no decrease in membership dues and no other fiscal benefit of the Association.
Section 3. Officers Duties:
President: It shall be the duty of the President-
To schedule and preside over all meetings.
To appoint temporary vacancies subject to approval by the membership.
To appoint various committees as necessary.
Be responsible for the club website.
To execute all agreements and instruments requiring an official signature.
To serve as Director of the Executive Committee.
To be responsible for obtaining any tournament or end of the year trophies and awards.
To attend or appoint someone to attend any functions or meetings that are deemed necessary for the club to be represented at.
To fill in for or appoint a temporary officer in the case of a vacancy until general membership votes on a full time replacement.
Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President-
To be responsible for a program at Regular Meetings.
To assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties.
To preside in the absence of the President.
To chair the Activities Committee, requesting volunteers to serve.
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary-
To maintain and distribute complete and accurate records including club meetings.
To maintain custody of all reports and documents connected with the Club.
To conduct the Club’s correspondence, perform clerical tasks.
To prepare all meeting agendas.
To keep a current correct Membership roster.
Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer-
To collect all monies due.
To have charge of the funds and checking account of the Club.
To keep a correct record and account of all monies received and paid out.
To disburse funds as directed.
To deposit the funds of the Club, in the name of the Club, in a depository or depositories approved by the Executive Committee.
To present at each Meeting a report stating the financial condition of the Club.
To present a written annual financial statement for the prior calendar year at the Regular Meeting of each February.
To keep a current roster of paid and non paid members.
Media Director: The SJKBFC media director will be responsible for-
To create compelling messaging, storylines, and narratives that advances SJKBFC in the fishing community.
To help shape the communication strategy for SJKBFC.
To help promote any club sponsors.
To promote club members with in the angling community.
To be the main source of information on the clubs social media outlets.
To report all tournament results on social media.
To maintaining a strong and engaging social media presence for SJKBFC.
Tournament Directors (2): It shall be the duty of the Tournament Directors-
To conduct and monitor Tournament activities.
To conduct all coordination for Tournament sites.
To implement the provisions of the rules of Tournaments.
To report Tournament results and season point standings.
To make any necessary tournament adjustments due to weather or any other circumstance that may alter a tournament start time, date or location.
To be the final judges on all tournaments.
To here all protests and make final ruling in accordance with SJKBFC rules and bylaws.
Section 4. Elections:
The Officers of the Club shall be elected annually by majority vote of the members present.
Only Members in good standing from the previous year, with dues for the upcoming year having been paid in full are allowed to vote.
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Media Director and Tournament Directors (2), shall be elected at the February general membership meeting.
The term of office of each Officer shall be one year. Newly elected officers will assume duties of their respective positions immediately following the annual elections. There is no limitation on the number of times a member can be elected to an office.
Candidates for all elected offices shall be nominated during the February general membership meeting by nomination made from the floor by any Member and seconded by any other Member. Candidates must be present to accept nomination and office.
Only members in good standing can be nominated for office.
Voting shall be by show of hands for each candidate.
Election shall require affirmative votes from a majority of members present.
Members must be present to vote.
In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office, the vacancy shall be made known and a successor for the remaining term of office shall be elected at the next meeting of the Club.
Announcement of the election via email to Members at least one week in advance of the Club meeting.
Section 5. Quorum:
Meetings Quorum-
A quorum for the transaction of business at a regular membership meeting, or a special meeting, including election of officers, shall consist of the members in attendance.
A quorum for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings shall consist of three (3) of the seven (7) Members.
Section 6. Meetings:
Regular meetings shall be held at predetermined times and locations and will be open to all club members and associate members.
Any club business may be discussed and voted upon, so attendance is strongly suggested.
Special Meetings shall be called by the President at the discretion of the Executive Committee to address critical issues or circumstances and will be conducted in the form of a regular monthly meeting, excluding calls for new and old business and Treasurer’s report.
Notice of Special Meetings shall be sent via email to Members at least one (1) Week in advance of the meeting date. No business shall be transacted at a Special Meeting except that for which notice is given.
Article IV Operating Funds
Section 1. Operating Fund:
All funds payable to the club shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a depository approved by the Executive Committee. These funds shall be the Operating Fund of the Club.
Article V Association Termination
Section 1. Association Termination:
In the event of termination of the Club any remaining Club funds and assets shall be dispersed to a charitable organization selected by a majority decision of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Expulsions:
If any member is charged with improper conduct or with violating the provisions of the Constitution or By-Laws of the Club, such charges shall be brought before the Executive Committee for review. If such charges are found to have sufficient weight, the Secretary shall notify the member of the charges at least one week before the next meeting of the Club. The Member shall be required to appear at such meeting and show just cause, why he/she should not be censured, deprived of the privileges of the Club, or expelled from membership in the Club. If the Member fails to appear at such meeting or is found guilty of the charge, the Member shall, upon a majority vote of the Members present, be censured, be deprived of the privileges of the Club, or be expelled from membership in the Club. If a member is expelled no refunds of club dues or fees will be issued and will be forfeited to the club. If a member is expelled he/she will forfeit all rights to any future club Awards.
Article VI End of year banquet
Section 1. End of Year Banquet:
A social gathering will be held at the end of the Tournament year.
Club Year End Awards will then be presented. Awards are defined in the SJKBFC Awards document.
Members and significant other are invited.
The Banquet will be free to members, being funded by club dues and tournament revenue, with the following exception. In order to attend the banquet, members that have entered fewer than 4 tournaments that season, may encounter an additional cost as deemed by the executive committee and voted on by the membership at the banquets preceding meeting.
Banquet guests can be invited by the President with advanced approval from the general membership.
Article VII Amendments Enacting Clause
Section 1. Amendments:
The Bylaws of the Club may be amended at a regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, provided that written or verbal notice of the proposed amendment has been distributed to the entire membership at least two weeks before the meeting it will be voted upon. The By-Laws, when amended, shall be revised and reposted on the Club Website.
Section 2. Enacting Clause:
These By-Laws shall take effect upon ratification of members.
Article VIII Membership Code of Conduct
Section 1. Membership Code of Conduct:
Club Members and Guests are required to follow this Code at ANY club-sponsored event-
Abide by all Club rules, official code of conduct, and conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner at all Club functions.
Any action by a member, which would reflect dishonor and disgrace on the club, will result in immediate recommendation to the Executive Committee for termination of membership.
No refunds of club dues will be issued in the event of termination of membership.
Alcoholic Beverages and non prescribe drugs during Club tournaments, are not be allowed.
Tobacco use (e.g. "dipping", "chewing" and Smoking) is not permitted at any Indoor function such as meetings or awards ceremonies. Members may use tobacco products outdoors or while fishing but MUST keep the environment safe and litter free while doing so.
Fighting and scuffling will not be tolerated under any circumstance. Such acts will result in a review of standings and possible termination of club membership.
Violation of any aspect of the official code of conduct will result in the Executive Committee reviewing membership status.