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Meeting Minutes - October 26th, 2023 - 7pm


The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm with the following 11 members present:  Greg Rappaport, Tony Turin, Robert Gheysens, Alex Bronsky, Layne El, Jason Scott, Dennis Robinson, Bill Bentliff, Anthony Coco, John Goss and Victor Carapucci.


There was also one guest present as well Josh Headley (609.774.0950) who was present as well and expressed interest in the club.  Josh’s e-mail address is


Note:  Those members present at tonight’s meeting obtain a participation point toward the 2024 SJKBFC Classic Tournament. 😊


Report provided from the agenda as follows:


  1. Layne Ell, President:

The 2023 Banquet is being held on 11/4/2023 at 4:00pm at the Atco Gun Club in Atco, NJ.  Greg will be reaching out to all members about food and items to bring and whether they plan on bringing a guest.  The club voted to approve $500.- for awards, noting that last year’s cost was approximately $300.-.  There was a discussion as to why this increased so much, and it was agreed that there were simply more awards being given this year.  Noting this, the club discussed possibly limiting next year’s awards.  For example, this year there was a significant number of individuals making the 200-inch club award.  Perhaps this will be elevated next year to a minimum of 300 inches. Door prizes, were voted upon and Layne will be acquiring them from Blackwater Sports Center.    This year we will again have a $25.- polyanna gift-bait exchange for those who wish to participate.  This year there are no Ten-Year Member Jackets being presented at the Banquet.


At this point Layne reviewed for all the process for Lake Selection for the 2024 angling season.  In preparing for this Layne provided all members present with a list of 2024 holidays, a grid form to select lakes with and a list of all member-picks, including their top five lakes.  He explained that each member’s top-lake-pick received two points, whereas each additional lake received only one point toward the totals for each South Jersey (or other) lake.  Lakes were selected, times were agreed upon, and each tournament was voted as either a “members-only” tourney or “open” tourney.  This year five lakes were selected as “open” tournaments.  These tournaments will include Prospertown, Lenape, Union, Nockamixon (PA) and Mirror.  These tournaments are all open to the public.


The 2024 Classic lakes were picked as well.  These lakes will include Lenape (Day 1) and Alloway (Day 2).  Of course it is noted that the 2024 schedule the club came up with is tentative and contingent upon review and approval.  Any changes will be posted by Layne to the club on GroupMe.



  1. Mark Sowers, Vice President:

Mark reported that this year’s trip to Lake Anna, Virginia will occur on May 16-19, 2024.  This is not an official club event.  Please notify Mark if you are interested in this trip as space is limited.  Greg reported that he will be going down early again this year, and will rent a small cabin at Lake Anna State Park for Monday-Wednesday (May 14-16) if someone is interested in sharing.


  1. Dennis Robinson and Jason Scott, Tournament Directors:

No report.


  1. Greg Rappaport, Secretary:

Greg reviewed the food list for the Banquet.


  1. Mark Pyontek, Treasurer:

No report.


  1. Alex Bronsky, Social Media Director:

Alex continues to work on improvements for our FaceBook page.  He is still requesting any photos and videos you may have taken this past year to incorporate into our social media presence.



Upcoming Events:

  • November 4, 2019 – Awards Banquet



There is no meeting in November.  The Awards Banquet on 11/4/2023 will be in its place, and those attending will get credit toward the 2024 Classic.


The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.

Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2023 – 7pm


Atlantic County Library – Hammonton, NJ


The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by President Layne Ell with the following club members present: Layne Ell, Marc Pyontek, Anthony Coco, Sarge Stone, Bill Bentliff, Neil Tomarachio, Fred Tomarchio, Mark Sowers, Greg Rappaport, Danny Rodriguez and Alex Bronsky.


No guest anglers were present.


Layne led this meeting from the agenda provided to all.



  1. Layne Ell, President:

Layne reported first on our upcoming fourteenth annual SJKBFC Classic Tournament scheduled for this weekend.  Saturday is at Lake Audrey and Sunday at Mirror Lake.  The weather is looking questionable at this point with forecast models pointing to heavy rain and wind (with gusts in excess of 30mph) on Saturday, and more possible on Sunday as well.  Looking at the overall schedule down the road, things are tight with other events going on.  Layne fielded alternate ideas (back-up planning) from those members present.  Since there are very few dates available with other tournaments going on, holidays, and folks generally not being home, the Club agreed that we will wait until Thursday this week to see what the weather looks closer to the event.  Hopefully the forecast will improve, however, if it does not, the tournament may become a single-day (Sunday) event.  Anthony Coco, Danny Rodriguez and Sarge Stone now qualify with tonight’s meeting for the Classic.  Now there will be seventeen anglers qualifying:  Greg, Jason, Layne, Alex, Dennis, Fred, Mark, Bob4, Sean, Don, Tri-Marc, Neil, Tom, Tony, Coco, Danny and Sarge.  Congratulations guys!


The 2024 SJKBFC Schedule was discussed.  Layne asked that in preparation for our annual Lake Selection Meeting coming up on October 26, 2023 that all members e-mail Layne their top five lakes for the upcoming season, highlighting their first pick (or place a star next to it).  So for example:  Greg - Cooper*, Newton, Union, Alloway, Maurice River.  For the start of our selection process Greg’s top lake (Cooper) would get two points while the remaining four lakes would get one point each.  Again, our October 26, 2023 meeting will be our official 2024 Lake Selection Meeting.  You’ll wanna be there! 😊  Please get your five-lake picks to Layne ASAP.


Other items: A motion was made and seconded to move all SJKBFK meetings for the 2024 season to Thursdays.  The motion was discussed noting that throughout the past year the Club tried holding half of the meetings on Tuesdays to accommodate different schedules, but this did not yield greater participation.  The vote was approved favorably by those in attendance.  The Ike Kayak Tournament is coming up on Saturday, September 30th (TourneyX) on Lake Nockamixon.  So far Layne, Neil, Tony, Sarge and Bill will be representing the SJKBFC.  Greg reported he will be there as well.  The Scoot’s Bait and Tackle first annual Kayak Tournament will be held on October 7th (TourneyX) on any open, public water.  So far Bob4, Tom, Marc, Greg, and Mark are in.  The SJBCA Bass Bowl is scheduled to occur on Union Lake on Sunday October 15th.  The top six individuals in points from every member-club qualify.  Bob G. has offered his (sixth) spot to the seventh place angler Fred Tomarchio from our club. Fred will fish with his son Neil.  Layne reported that the SJKBFC Website is near death.  The site is still up-and-running, but the host may shut it down at any moment now.  Layne is working to replace our hosting in the months ahead.


Layne reported that no one was able to attend the Mothership (SJBCA) meeting on July 19th. There were highlights made during that meeting on Sough Jersey Lakes, for example the paving and painting of new lines of the parking lot at Union.  There are others as well that may be reviewed on SJBCA’s website.  The SJKBFC Banquet will be held on Nov 4th, 2023 at the Alpha Gun Club in Atco.  Greg will be starting the potluck food list shortly.  Please sign up with him or e-mail him what you are bringing (food) and whether you will be bringing a guest or not.  In preparation for the Banquet, a motion was made and seconded for the club to spend up to $1,200- for prizes to be handed out at the Banquet.  The vote passed unanimously.  There will also be a lure-exchange (polyanna) for $25.-.  Finally, there was a brief discussion of the awards/medals given out at the Banquet.  There historically have been awards given out to members attaining over 200-inches during the season; however, this year there are club can be revisited for the future noting that this year there were 16 anglers breaking 300-inches, and 22 anglers breaking 200-.  It was agreed that the awards will not change for this current year (2023), but may be assessed for revision in the future.  This year proved to be hugely record-breaking with folks catching a LOT of fish!


  1. Mark Sowers, Vice President:

No report.


  1. Dennis Robinson and Jason Scott, Tournament Directors:

Winning baits from last two tournaments at Farrington and Menantico Ponds were reviewed and discussed.  The club actively promotes learning among all its members by encouraging the sharing of baits, locations, techniques and strategies that got them their wins and lunkers!


  1. Greg Rappaport, Secretary:

Greg reviewed the sign-up list for the upcoming Banquet on November 4, 2023, asking all members to sign up for dishes and items to bring for the potluck event.  Please let Greg know what you’d like to bring (both food and whether you will bring a guest or not).  Thanks! 😊


  1. Marc Pyontek, Treasurer:

Financial Report:  Balance is currently $3,156.87 compared to $3,004.07 (9/2022).   Marc’s assessment is that the Club is doing well right now from a break-even budget perspective.


  1. “Blizzard” Alex Bronsky, Social Media Director:

Alex provided an update on the weather on the way for the Classic as scheduled, reporting rain and wind for both days.  Saturday will be the better day for both rain and wind, with the possibility for stronger wind-gusts in excess of 30mph.  Sustained winds between 15-20mph.  Dress for cold weather.  In the long term the weather forecast considering an “El Nino” season appear to be trending toward a winter that is wetter and has the potential to include big snow events where temperatures dip below freezing.



Good & Welfare were offered for the club and the meeting ended at 8:05pm with a motion that was seconded.


Upcoming Events:

  • Classic Day 1 – Audrey – Saturday, September 23, 2023 7am-1pm

  • Classic Day 2 – Mirror – Sunday, September 24, 2023 7am-1pm

  • IKE Foundation Tourney – Lake Nockamixon – Saturday, September 30 – 6am-2pm

  • Scoots 1st Annual Kayak Tourney – Any Public Water – Saturday, October 7 – 7am-2pm

  • SJBCA Bass Bowl – Union – Sunday, October 15, 2023 – 7am-3pm

  • 2023 SJKBFC Banquet – Atco Gun Club – Saturday, November 4, 2023 – 4pm-10pm



Lake Selection Meeting – Thursday, 10/26/2023 @ 7pm at Hammonton Library

Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2023 – 7pm


Hammonton Library



The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm with the following members present:  Marc Pyontek, Alex Bronsky, Tony Turin, Josh Mazzeo, Fred Tomarcio, Jason Scott, Layne Ell, Chris Upchurch, Dennis Robinson, Mark Sowers, Bob Gheysens, Ryan Hannah and Greg Rappaport.


No open anglers were present at this meeting.



Reports were provided from the agenda as follows:


  1. Layne Ell, President:

Membership:  Josh Mazzeo (winner at Mirror Lake this season) and John Goss have both fished three tournaments and are seeking membership in the club.  A motion was made and seconded to vote them as full members into the Club.  The vote for both passes unanimously.  Welcome Josh and John!!!  The Club now has one open member slot this season.


The Ike Foundation Kayak Tournament has been announced, and will be held this year on September 30, 2023.  It is being held on Lake Nockamixon in Ottsville, PA.  Please see the Ike Foundation’s website ( and click on “Events”) for details and registration information.


2023 schedule updates were discussed.  There are three possible changes necessary.  Mercer Lake has failed to follow up with the club regarding its application to fish there on 8/5/2023.  A motion was made, seconded and passed (with no objections or abstentions) to replace this tournament.  Another motion was made, seconded and unanimously approve to replace it with Newton Lake in Collingswood (Members Only).  The 8/12/2023 tournament on Delaware River was then discussed.  Concern was raised regarding this tournament and its viability due to the strong current, potential dangers with large ships, and fishability on a kayak.  A motion was made and seconded to remove this venue on 8/12/2023.  A motion was then made and seconded to replace that venue with the Maurice River.  The motion did not pass.  Another motion was made and seconded to replace the venue with a second tournament on Lake Alloway (first) with Lake Lenape as a second option if Alloway falls through (OPEN event).  That vote passed.  Finally, there is a concern that WMA DOD (new State announcement) may be closed when we are supposed to fish it on July 29, 2023.  Given the limit of meetings available to vote in an alternate a motion was made, seconded and passed to remove DOD form the schedule.  A motion was then made and seconded to replace it with Hammonton Lake.  That vote failed.  A motion was then made and seconded to replace it with Sunset Lake and Mary Elmer.  That vote failed as well.  A motion was then made and seconded to replace it with Prospertown (OPEN event).  The vote passed. 


Kayak motors were then discussed briefly as a possible vote to consider in the future.  Layne asked the club for feedback.  Members vigorously presented both points in favor of motors and points against motors.


The 2023 SJKBFC annual banquet was discussed as initial planning will begin.  A motion was made to hold this year’s 2023 Banquet at the Alpha Gun Club in Atco on November 4.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.


  1. Mark Sowers, Vice President:

Mark thanked all for staying quiet at the weigh-in and not distracting the Tournament Directors.  This is critical with the weigh-in, and helps keep things running smoothly.  A big thanks to all!


  1. Dennis Robinson and Jason Scott, Tournament Directors:

A brief discussion was held about returning to the boat ramp/launch LATE at the end of a tournament, and how the point-deduction called for in our Tournament Rules affects the overall total bag vs. a potential Lunker fish.  The current rule in the Tournament Rules were read aloud.   Various opinions and statements were made, but no official changes introduced at this time.  Anybody else wishing to participate in this conversation is encouraged to speak with one of our tournament directors or make a forum post on our website.


from each tournament were not discussed this meeting and will be discussed at a later time.  The winners of our last three tournaments were as follows:

  • Alloway – Neil, Sean, Marc & Marc Lunker

  • Union – Alex, Neil, Fred & Ross Colella (Guest Angler) Lunker

  • Lenape – Alex, Neil, Layne & Anthony Lunker


  1. Greg Rappaport, Secretary:

The current 2023 tournament and meeting attendance list was circulated for review by those members present.  Anybody wishing to review this information may speak with Greg.


  1. Marc Pyontek, Treasurer:

Financial report:  Current balance $2,452.07 less $87.92 for pizza at tonight’s meeting complements of the Club.  Last year we were about $2,400.-.  With more OPENS coming up this should continue to improve.


  1. Alex Bronsky, Social Media Director:

Our FaceBook page is continuing to get a lot of traffic.  There is a lot more content being posted with members increasingly sharing more pictures and videos with Alex.  Alex is still requesting anyone who has pictures or videos send them to him.


Alex also reported on the upcoming weather trend for the next 2 to 3 weeks, which he says should be cooler.



Upcoming Events:

  • Clark’s Pond (Members Only) Tourney – Saturday, June 24, 2023 – 6am-noon

  • Audrey (Members Only) Tourney – Saturday, July 8, 2023 – 6am-noon

  • Assunpink (Members Only) Tourney – Saturday, July 15, 2023 – 6am-1pm (extra hour!!!)

  • SJKBFC Meeting @ Hammonton Library – Thursday, August 17, 2023 – 7pm



Next Meeting Tuesday 8/17/2023 @ 7pm at Hammonton Library



The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2023 – 7pm


Hammonton Library


The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm with the following ten members present:  Dennis Robinson, Don Mills, Evan Post, Tom Mill, John Casalnova, Layne Ell, Sean Place, Daniel Rodriguez, Jason Scott and Greg Rappaport


Reports were provided from the agenda as follows:


  1. Layne Ell, President:

2023 schedule update (tournaments & meetings):  The Club is still awaiting WMA permits; however, this will likely not impact the 2023 schedule at this point.  The Club obtained its permit for Lake Alloway (confirmed processing of payment).  Mercer Lake may still be an issue as liability insurance may be needed for this tournament.  The Club is still awaiting word on this, and if it becomes an issue that lake may be replaced.  There is plenty of time between now and the Mercer Tourney scheduled for 8/5/2023.


Cooper River Open (3/25/2023):  Forecast is looking rainy and cool.  Everything is in place in terms of preparations.  It was reported that the water level in Cooper has been low, and with rain in the forecast they may lower it more to manage flow into the Delaware.


SJKBFC hat update:  Layne did some research on new hats for the club and passed around an info-sheet.  The club entertained a seconded motion to order 30 hats costing approximately $21.00 +/- each.  Layne will look to place the order with C-Richards Leather company.  These hats will be sold at cost.


Website update:  Recently Layne has been updating the website including member profiles using the Website Profile Information Forms new this 2023.  The club is working to promote its member, their affiliations, and also social media content.  Contact Layne for more information, or to provide information to be updated.  Lastly, there will be a new group-chat function on FB messenger for all paid members and associate members.  The old (current) group-chat will be disabled effective 4/1/2021 as this is the deadline for 2023 dues payments to the Club.


Lake Lenape Structure Program:  NJ Fish & Wildlife Fishery Forum recently met and discussed certain bodies of water in South Jersey.  Overall, catch rates have been markedly down at the majority of NJ’s lakes pretty equally.  All trout-stocked lakes are presently closed until 4/8/2023 (with a few exceptions).  The Forum has announced an upcoming structure improvement program to Lake Lenape.  More information to follow as it is publicized.


Cedar Creek HS seminar:  Cedar Creek HS has a fishing club, and Layne presented last year for the team.  He was invited to present again this year on 3/23/2023.  Great job Layne!!!


Congratulations to Danny Rodriguez for his recently participation and lunker tie in the KBF Tournament in Guntersville, AL.  Way to represent South Jersey and our Club Danny!!!


  1. Mark Sowers, Vice President:

No report.


  1. Dennis Robinson and Jason Scott, Tournament Directors:

Dennis reviewed the 2023 tournament rules, the majority of which are familiar to all club members.  One recommendation made was to turn on “Live Mode” on your phones so that identifiers that are inadvertently left out may be seen upon inspection at check-in.  If for whatever reason you must leave a tournament, please notify another angler and provide them with any pictures you need submitted at check-in.  Finally, it was noted that the 100-foot rule (officially changed in 2022 from 50-feet) was not changed in the 2023 Rules.  Layne will make this change in the 2023 Tournament Rules and then share on the website.


  1. Greg Rappaport, Secretary:

REMINDER:  Please e-mail or snail-mail your 2023 Membership Applications, Waivers and Website Info Sheets to Greg.  Greg will log and provide them to Layne.  The following folks still need to complete their forms:  Branson Shute, Fred Tomarchio, Jake Coucoules, Jim Dick, Matt Martin, Matt Zappile, Neil Tomarchio, Ryan Hannah, Sarge Stone.  Associate members needing forms include Larry Shute Sr., Stu Cohen, Tim McHale and Robert Smith.


  1. Marc Pyontek, Treasurer:

Our current Club balance is $1,207.07.  This takes into account recent debits of $392.75 for our recent order of new Ketch Boards and the Alloway Lake Permit in the amount of $100.00.  This time last year the club was at just under $1,600.-; so about even given the purchase of new Ketch Boards that will be sold eventually.


  1. Alex Bronsky, Social Media Director:

Alex will continue to update posts with pictures, data, details and even weather forecasts for our tournaments in 2023.  Content is important, so if you ever take any pictures or vids, please get them to Alex.  THANKS!!!



Upcoming Events:

  • Cooper River (OPEN) Pre-season Tourney – Saturday, March 25, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • Mirror Lake (OPEN) – Saturday, April 1, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • Rainbow Lake (Members Only) – Saturday, April 15, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • SJBCA Fisherman’s Flea Market – Saturday, April 15, 2023 – 9am-1pm in Millville, NJ

  • Davis Millpond (Members Only) – Saturday, April 22, 2023 – 6am-noon



Next Meeting 4/27/2022 – Hammonton Library



The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.

Meeting Minutes – February 16, 2023 – 7pm


Hammonton Library



The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following members present:  Alan Bender, Greg Rappaport, Sean Place, Dennis Robinson, Ole Hernandez, Jason Scott, Layne El, Alex Bronsky, Chris Upchurch, Bob Gheysens, Mark Sowers, Marc Pyontek, Tony Turin, Neils Clemenson, Don Mills, and Tom Mills.


Two open anglers were also in attendance at this meeting:   Anthony Coco (609.674.6326) and Kip Patterson (609.760.6696), both of whom expressed interest in membership in the club.



Reports were provided from the agenda as follows:


  1. Layne Ell, President:

Layne started off this meeting with all members and guests present completing their 2023 paperwork (Membership Form, Waiver and Info Sheet).  Layne had all present fill out their forms and provide them to Greg.  Members not present may get their forms to Greg who will provide them to Layne once logged.  It was decided that the Bio/Emergency form used in the past will not be used this year as it was very underutilized in the past.  The form was always optional.  Tournament Directors and executive staff will always have access to emergency information provided on the Waivers and Membership Forms while on the water if needed.


The annual election of the club’s officers was the next order of business.  There is one vacancy this year, that of one Tournament Director.  Layne asked those present of interest in serving.  Greg Rappaport nominated Jason Scott to the position to replace outgoing TD Evan Post.  Jason accepted the nomination.  A motion was then made and seconded to elect Jason Scott as a Tournament Director.  The motion passed unanimously.  Layne then fielded interest in any other Executive Officer position; however, there was no interest made.  The remaining slate of existing 2022 officers Layne Ell (President), Mark Sowers (Vice President), Mark Pyontek (Treasurer), Greg Rappaport (Secretary), Dennis Robinson (Tournament Director), and Alex Bronsky (Social Media Director) was motioned in for a slate-vote that was seconded.  The vote for the slate passed unanimously with one abstention.  Congratulations to all officers elected!


The 2022 Club Banquet held on November 5, 2022 was reviewed.  The Banquet was held again at the Atco Gun Club, and was a fun night with a special appearance by Big Foot.  The food was reported to be amazing, and the pot-luck made the event less costly, allowing for more and better door prizes, decorations, etc.  The club expressed interest in going back to the Atco Gun Club again in 2023.


2023 schedule update:  Mercer Lake may be an issue as liability insurance may be needed for this tournament.  The Club is still awaiting word on this, and if it becomes an issue that lake may be replaced.  The Club is awaiting permit for Lake Alloway, but no barriers are forecasted with this.  Finally, our permits for both the 4/1 tourney and 9/24 Classic Day Two on Mirror Lake are in.


Other lake updates in general included the following:  The Newton Lake dredging project is now complete, but they are still working on a brand new boat ramp.  The current ramp and parking lot are still closed; however, there are shore access points at other locations.  A chemical vegetation treatment occurred at Lake Assunpink last year.  Some members report there was no significant impact on the fishing, but this will be better determined as the 2023 season gets underway.


There are no ten-year members this year in the Club.


Associate Members:  There is space for five total associate members.  A motion was made to vote in five associate members, two new for 2023 and three to roll over from the past year:  Larry Shute Sr. (new), Stu Cohen (new), Tim McHale, Neils Clemenson, and Robert Smith.  A motion was made and seconded for all five associate members, and the vote passes unanimously.  One final note:  assiociate members are not eligible to fish in the Classic.


In 2022 there were 14 members identified as “not in good standing” with the club due to attendance issues at meetings and/or some tournaments.  These members included Alan Bender, Branson Shute, Daniel Rodriguez, Evan Post, Jake Coucoules, Jim Dick, John Casselnova, Mark Savidge, Matt Martin, Matt Zapp, Ole Hernandez, Ryan Hannah, Sarge Stone and Larry Shute Sr.  A motion was made and seconded to vote the 13 members back in as being in good standing for 2023, while Larry Shute Sr. was vote in as an Associate Member in good standing.


Layne asked those members resent about any new ways “stimulate” meetings in general, and requested suggestions from members on why so many meetings lacked attendance in 2022.  One idea was suggested as having some “different” meeting dates.  Another included having a different location, like when we met at Bait-n-Hook.  Another suggested having food or guest speakers at meetings to draw attendance.  Finally, some members simply stated attendance is often unrealistic due to simple conflicts.  It was suggested that some of our meetings be moved to Tuesdays, so Layne reported he will look into this and see if the Hammonton Library can accommodate a change to some of the dates already reserved on Thursdays to be moved to a Tuesday.  More information on any changes will follow.


The 2023 Bass Bowl will be held on this year on Sunday, October 15, 2023.  This year’s location will be on the Beltsville Reservoir in PA.  Boat and kayak teams may participate.  More information to follow.


Stu Cohen won the “largest bass in inches” award for 2022 in New Jersey (SJBCA – Mothership).  Congratulations Stu for your whopper 21.5-inch beauty!!!


Our SJKBFC website has been updated with a lot of data, information and metrics from our past year’s tournaments, going back all the way to 2010.  There is a new color scheme.  Classic Page is under construction, and will be cool.


  1. Mark Sowers, Vice President:

This year in order to be eligible for the Classic you must have fished in eight (8) tournaments and attended four (4) meetings.  The 2022 Banquet counts as a meeting.


  1. Dennis Robinson and Jason Scott, Tournament Directors:

No report.  Our next meeting on March 16 will focus on tournament rules.  Tournament Rules will be summarized at the


  1. Greg Rappaport, Secretary:

REMINDER:  Please e-mail or snail-mail your 2023 Membership Applications, Waivers and Info Sheets to Greg.  Greg will log and provide them to Layne.  Finally, Greg reported that the South Jersey Youth Outdoor Day will be held this year on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at the Salem County Sportsman Club in Carney’s Point from 8:30am-2:00pm.


  1. Marc Pyontek, Treasurer:

Our current Club balance is $1,544.64.  Last year we had approximately $1,100.- at this time, so we are in better shape.  $295.00 was collected tonight in dues and Ketch Boards purchased.  It was suggested that more Ketch Hawg Troughs be purchased as the Club is running low.  Layne reported he will look into this with Mark Savidge.  Marc will provide updates periodically on members paying dues and those dues still needed.


  1. Alex Bronsky, Social Media Director:

Alex will continue to update posts with pictures, data, details and possibly weather in 2023.  Content is important, so if you ever take any good pictures, please get them to Alex.


Upcoming Events:

  • Blackwater Sports BassNJ Day – Sunday February 19, 2023 – 9am-1pm

  • NJ Fish & Wildlife virtual GOTO meeting – Saturday, February 25, 2023

  • Cooper River (OPEN) Pre-season Tourney – Saturday, March 25, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • Mirror Lake (OPEN) – Saturday, April 1, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • Rainbow Lake (Members Only) – Saturday, April 15, 2023 – 9am-3pm

  • SJBCA Fisherman’s Flea Market – Saturday, April 15, 2023 – 8am-1pm in Millville, NJ

  • Ike Foundation Kayak Tournament – Lake Noxamixon – Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023


Next Meeting (2023 Tournament Directors Meeting) 3/16/2022 – Hammonton Library  This meeting may be moved.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

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